Grant from Community Chest!
We’re delighted to say that we’ve been offered £14,000 from the Community Chest,
a grants scheme for community projects run jointly by AVDC and VAHT
(Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust). This is payable when our major
funding application is confirmed (we’re hoping this will be end April).
The village hall trust’s annual general meeting – Tuesday 19 April, 8pm, Village Hall
The village hall trust’s AGM is on Tuesday 19 April. Janet
Blake, Council Member for Stewkley and Community Chest Grants Panel
Member, will be joining us as a funder representative. Village residents
are also very welcome. It will be a short meeting – chairman’s summary
of what we’ve done over the last year, the treasurer’s report, election
of officers (chair, treasurer, secretary) and 10 minutes for taking
questions from the public.
If you can’t make 19 April, we’ll also be attending the Annual Parish Meeting on 13 April, so come along then if you want to hear a quick update from us and other village groups.
The Vale lottery
Every little still helps – if you are playing the online Vale lottery, please buy your tickets from our page and we get 50%:
Caroline Lane – Aston Abbotts Village Hall trustees