Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Aston Abbotts Village Hall News and Re-opening

Aston Abbotts Village Hall news – June 2017    
Re-opening ceremony – 20 May

Judy Hardcastle, on an afternoon of showers and sunshine, cut a slightly damp ribbon to formally re-open the hall after the restoration and extension. Janet Blake (AVDC, chair of the Grants Panel of the Community Chest/Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust, who gave us our first major grant) said a few words, as did Netta Glover, vice chair of BCC and our re-elected councillor. Graham White, the Community Links officer from BCC, also came along.

We were happy to see Tom Manning, who chaired the team back in 2000 and came all the way from Wingrave to see what we’d been up to! And we had a good crowd from the village. Formalities over, most people stayed around for a cup of tea and a look at the display of photographs showing the progress of the work. It was a very nice occasion and thanks to everyone who attended.

The works – finishing touches

We now have a new, very secure front door, and new curtains (thanks to Val Smith and Sally Palmer for altering and hanging these). We have a modest amount of cash left, and top of the list is a shed, or something purpose built out the back so that we can store some of the tables and chairs when not in use.


The regulars are back, and we have yoga classes starting this month so look out for the adverts if you’d like to try it!

One-off bookings are welcome and we’ll be happy to show you around if you want to book for a private party or other event.

Liz Barlow now manages the bookings. You can email bookings to or ring Liz (01296 682605/07976 671701) or Nigel Palmer (01296 681152).  See our full table of rates in the Chronicle

Annual meeting

This was held on 16 May, and Liz Barlow was welcomed to the group. No changes to who’s doing what. We haven’t had any requests from anyone to join the group, but no problem, let us know if you do want to. We will continue to manage the hall and meet as necessary.

Caroline Lane – Aston Abbotts Village Hall trustees

Aston Abbotts Village Hall Trustees group: Caroline Lane (Chair), Liz Hall (Secretary), Nigel Palmer (Treasurer), Liz Barlow (bookings), Peter Shorrock, John Whyte, Kevin Copping. Email: