Friday, 21 July 2017

Aston Abbotts Fete Saturday 22 July at 1 pm

This year's Fete will begin at 1pm with a Magic Show by Colonel Custard until 1.45 - this will be free but donations appreciated if you enjoy the show. The popular dog show will start at 1.30 in the Grove. The Great Horwood Band will be playing on The Green from 1.45 and the Morris Men dancing after that. A variety of food and drink will be available. At the plant stall check out the map of the old fields around the village and try to find the hidden treasure. The Tug of War is back this year so come and cheer on the teams later in the afternoon.
Can you spare a bottle or 2, any good quality books, some bric a brac, or gifts. Home made cakes and preserves would be great. Donations can be dropped off at The Vines in Cublington Road, Church Farm in Cublington Road, or just bring them up to The Green on the morning of the fete - Thank you!.
All profit will be distributed to The Village Hall, The Village Church, the recreation ground reserve fund of the Parish Council plus a contribution to the November Firework display

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Aston Abbotts Village Hall News and Re-opening

Aston Abbotts Village Hall news – June 2017    
Re-opening ceremony – 20 May

Judy Hardcastle, on an afternoon of showers and sunshine, cut a slightly damp ribbon to formally re-open the hall after the restoration and extension. Janet Blake (AVDC, chair of the Grants Panel of the Community Chest/Vale of Aylesbury Housing Trust, who gave us our first major grant) said a few words, as did Netta Glover, vice chair of BCC and our re-elected councillor. Graham White, the Community Links officer from BCC, also came along.

We were happy to see Tom Manning, who chaired the team back in 2000 and came all the way from Wingrave to see what we’d been up to! And we had a good crowd from the village. Formalities over, most people stayed around for a cup of tea and a look at the display of photographs showing the progress of the work. It was a very nice occasion and thanks to everyone who attended.

The works – finishing touches

We now have a new, very secure front door, and new curtains (thanks to Val Smith and Sally Palmer for altering and hanging these). We have a modest amount of cash left, and top of the list is a shed, or something purpose built out the back so that we can store some of the tables and chairs when not in use.


The regulars are back, and we have yoga classes starting this month so look out for the adverts if you’d like to try it!

One-off bookings are welcome and we’ll be happy to show you around if you want to book for a private party or other event.

Liz Barlow now manages the bookings. You can email bookings to or ring Liz (01296 682605/07976 671701) or Nigel Palmer (01296 681152).  See our full table of rates in the Chronicle

Annual meeting

This was held on 16 May, and Liz Barlow was welcomed to the group. No changes to who’s doing what. We haven’t had any requests from anyone to join the group, but no problem, let us know if you do want to. We will continue to manage the hall and meet as necessary.

Caroline Lane – Aston Abbotts Village Hall trustees

Aston Abbotts Village Hall Trustees group: Caroline Lane (Chair), Liz Hall (Secretary), Nigel Palmer (Treasurer), Liz Barlow (bookings), Peter Shorrock, John Whyte, Kevin Copping. Email:

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Aston Abbotts Fete - Saturday 22nd July 2017



Donations needed and can be collected a few days before so keep anything suitable.
Bottles especially welcome for the tombola.

Get baking too to donate cakes please.

Enquiries to please

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Annual Parish Meeting - Wednesday 19th April at 7.30pm

Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish meeting will take place on Wednesday 19th April at 7.30pm in our newly refurbished Village Hall. This is not a parish council meeting, but a much older and more historic tradition, when the people of the village meet together to talk about community matters.

This is the meeting when everyone can discuss village issues and events, such as The Chronicle,  Bonfire Night and the Fete. It is a chance to meet and ask questions of your District and County Councillors, and hear a report from the local Police. Also  included on this year's agenda is a chance to air your views about the increased traffic coming through the village, and whether or not you think any traffic calming measures should be put into place.

Everyone is welcome to  come along, either to listen or to air your views.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Aston Abbotts Summer Ball 2017

The ASTON ABBOTTS SUMMER BALL is to be held on the 15th July 2017

In Aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.
So make a note of it in your diaries.

Watch The Chronicle and the Aston Abbotts Postbox for ticket information closer to the time.


Frank & Louise

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Parish Clerk Vacancy

Aston Abbotts Parish Council has a vacancy for Clerk to the Parish Council / Responsible Finance Officer.

This is a part time role of around 25 hours per month which involves working from home and attending evening meetings (roughly nine meetings per year plus occasional committee meetings).

The Clerk’s responsibilities include preparation of agendas and minute taking for council meetings and committees, liaising with outside bodies, advising on procedures, actioning the council’s decisions, acting as the council’s financial officer and keeping the council’s financial records.

This is a very varied role, which will require you to have basic computer skills, including word processing and spreadsheet maintenance and internet access (laptop provided); and most importantly a flexible attitude.

A full hand-over will be given and training will be offered to the successful applicant.

For further information contact the Chairman, Kate Curry, at  or telephone 01296 681137.
Please apply in writing with a copy of your CV to the Chairman:
Cllr Kate Curry

2, Norduck Cottages, Moat Lane, Aston Abbotts, Aylesbury, HP22 4NF

Friday, 10 February 2017

Aston Abbotts Village Hall News - February 2017

Aston Abbotts Village Hall news – February 2017

The works

Hope you agree it’s looking better all the time! The floor is drying, and the builders are working on the access ramp. We are busy now with getting the best deals we can for the interior fittings. The flooring will go down in February, and we’ll be looking for some good weather for the exterior decoration.


We won’t be open in February, as I optimistically thought when doing the January Chronicle update; we are now thinking regular bookings from April. Please let Tracy know if you want to make a provisional booking for March. We hope to hold an “open afternoon” for villagers in the second half of March, and a formal ceremony later, on Saturday 20 May, when we will invite our funders.


The raffle just before Christmas made us just over £1,000, so a very big thank you to anyone who bought tickets at an expensive time of year. We should now be able to complete the work without borrowing, which is fantastic. Val Smith won the hamper, John Abel Smith dinner for two at the Royal Oak, and Paul Williams the whisky. Full list of winners from Nigel on request.


We are very grateful to Chris Looker, who has offered us 60 chairs unwanted by one of his London business clients. Since the furniture fund is still a bit low, this will give us a breathing space so we will buy new tables first.

Vale Lottery

I’m delighted to say that four of our supporters have now won cash prizes! Please buy your tickets from our page if you fancy a flutter.  The hall gets 50% of the value of tickets that you buy so here’s that link again:

Caroline Lane – Aston Abbotts Village Hall trustees

Aston Abbotts Village Hall Trustees group: Caroline Lane (Chair), Liz Hall (Secretary), Nigel Palmer (Treasurer), Peter Shorrock, John Whyte, Kevin Copping. Email:

Sunday, 29 January 2017

New Parish Councillor

Simon Guy has been co-opted onto Aston Abbotts Parish Council following the recent retirement of councillor Bob Carvey. The Parish Council wish to welcome Simon and also send their grateful thanks to Bob for his past commitment and service.