Saturday, 1 August 2015

Village Fete photos 2015

Maurice G Cousins visited the Aston Abbotts Fete again this year and took many excellent photographs, which he has published on his Aylesbury and District News website.
You can go directly to these photographs by clicking on this link here  or  typing  in the URL
If anybody else has taken photographs and put them  on-line  then please let us know and we will publish  the  link here.

Village Fete 2015

A big thank you to all those who helped with this year's Fete; with raffle ticket sales and house-to-house collections, setting up on the day and manning the stalls. We could not have done it without you. The net proceeds of £3,000 will be split equally between The Chronicle, the Village Hall, the Recreation Ground and the Church as decided at the Annual Parish meeting earlier in the year.

We would welcome any comments on the way we run the Fete and any suggestions for improvement.

David Gray

Fete Coordinator & Treasurer