Saturday, 1 August 2015

Village Fete photos 2015

Maurice G Cousins visited the Aston Abbotts Fete again this year and took many excellent photographs, which he has published on his Aylesbury and District News website.
You can go directly to these photographs by clicking on this link here  or  typing  in the URL
If anybody else has taken photographs and put them  on-line  then please let us know and we will publish  the  link here.

Village Fete 2015

A big thank you to all those who helped with this year's Fete; with raffle ticket sales and house-to-house collections, setting up on the day and manning the stalls. We could not have done it without you. The net proceeds of £3,000 will be split equally between The Chronicle, the Village Hall, the Recreation Ground and the Church as decided at the Annual Parish meeting earlier in the year.

We would welcome any comments on the way we run the Fete and any suggestions for improvement.

David Gray

Fete Coordinator & Treasurer 



Monday, 1 June 2015

Parish Council Meeting Minutes - 27/05/2015

Draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting Held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 27th May 2015 can be viewed by clicking this link.

In addition to the usual business this meeting covered the election of a new Parish Council chairperson and also the election of councillors to the various committees.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Parish Council Meeting Minutes - 08/04/2015

Draft minutes of Aston Abbotts Paarish Council meeting number 04/15 held in the Church Room on Wednesday 8th April 2015 are now available.

Click here to the read the minutes (Adobe Acrobat PDF format)

Friday, 3 April 2015

Aston Abbotts Summer Ball 2015

The very popular Aston Abbotts Summer Ball will take place on Saturday 11th July. Be sure to get your tickets early - details below.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Parish Council Elections

An election of Parish Councillors for Aston Abbotts will take place on May 7th.

For more details and information upon obtaining nomination forms please see the notice here.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Beetle Drive - Friday 27th March


The Beetle Drive is back!!!   7pm in the Village Hall on Friday 27th March.

Quick sausage & mash supper, then fast and furious competition.

Tickets £7.50 adults/£5 children/£20 family ticket 2+2 from Colin, 681343 or any Parochial Church Council member

Aston Abbotts Vic Scott Memorial Orchard AGM

in the Village Hall
at 7pm
if you have sponsored a tree
if you would like to sponsor a tree
if you are new to the village and
would like to hear about
your Village Orchard
then please do come along
Everyone is Very Welcome!!

Please pass on to family and friends in the village

Sunday, 15 February 2015

The Aston Abbotts Postbox is now Live

The Aston Abbotts Postbox is now up and running. Villagers may now send in notices and announcements which will be forwarded on to Postbox subscribers.

All villagers and friends are invited to subscribe to the service by sending an email to

Subscribers should  receive just a few emails a month. You can unsubscribe at any time. We will not pass your email on to any third party.

So what can you use this service for?

Want to sell something? Send an email describing the product price etc and send it to:

This will then be reviewed and as long as it's appropriate forwarded to all subscribers. Any responses will then be forwarded back to you. This is not a discussion list, so responses will not be posted back to the group unless they are especially relevant. Please include you email or phone number in your notice if you wish to be contacted directly.

Want something? Send an email and the above process will take place.

Want to tell fellow villagers about an activity? Send an email etc.

Seeking help and want to find someone? Send an email etc.

So there are many many uses and there is no charge for villagers.

This is a new service for Aston Abbotts and your input will help determine how the service is used and managed in the future.

One small rule: please do not attach any files or photographs to your email, but small pictures can be pasted into the body of the message.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Steve, Stuart and Phil

Saturday, 31 January 2015

The Soldier Lads of Aston Abbotts

Simon Guy’s commemorative booklet The Soldier Lads of Aston Abbotts produced in 2014 remembered the twelve Aston Abbotts villagers who lost their lives in World War I.

Simon has kindly allowed us to make the booklet available online and you can read it via the Aston Abbotts website on the History page dealing with The Wars.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Mother's Day at Abbotts View Farm

Abbotts View Farm (off Moat Lane) are holding a special Mother's Day event, with a chance to see all of their animals and have afternoon tea. Find out more details and how to book on their website.

Jo tells us that they will also be taking bookings for afternoon tea on Thursdays during term time to give people the opportunity to come and meet their lambs, kids, piglets, ducklings and alpaca cria as they are born and enjoy some yummy cake and sandwiches.

The farm currently have two open days planned - on Good Friday 3rd April and Open Farm Sunday on 7th June.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Faster internet on the way

Faster Broadband internet  should be with us within a few months. Whilst we are not going to get the fibre connection direct to our homes (which gives the fastest possible internet) we should still see a speed increase.

The network upgrade will provide a very fast fibre connection to our local 'cabinet' at Wingrave crossroads. From there the internet will come to your house via the existing copper telephone wires (as it does now).

The downside to what is proposed is that whilst we should get faster download speeds, upload speed will still be quite slow. This means that streamed video will be faster, but things like two-way video Skype will not be so much improved.

Note that the email below suggests speeds of up to 24Mbps - currently Openreach suggest we get up to 16 Mbps, although few can achieve that. Hopefully the new ADSL2 network will perform better.

The email below from the county broadband manager explains the current position. Expect faster speed to be available probably as an upgrade from March or April. It is yet not known if there will be an increase in costs, but you may have to replace your router. The availability may also depend upon who supplies your internet service.


... it is set to be a busy year with works progressing well and activity in the Wing exchange area imminent, or already underway.

The latest delivery data at my disposal suggests that the new fibre cabinets should be in place by the end of February/early March, incorporating the installation of the unit and connecting it to a power supply and fibre optics.  Thereafter, the commissioning process will ensure that the fibre cabinets are connected to necessary systems, meaning that Internet Service Providers can then recognise the cabinets as 'live' and begin offering services to customers.

In terms of Aston Abbotts and Rowsham, it appears that both are served by cabinet 7.  This is located near the Wingrave crossroads.

In relation to speeds achieved in the two villages; this will be determined by distance from the fibre cabinet.  Using Fibre to the Cabinet technology, Openreach suggests that superfast speeds (24 Mbps or greater) should be achievable at distances of 1.2 - 1.5km away from the cabinet, as this relies on the existing copper connection to homes and businesses.  For Aston Abbotts, the prospects look good, given the distance to cabinet 7.  For Rowsham, there is a bit more uncertainty as the village is on the extremity of the distance threshold, meaning lower speeds are possible.  For the latter, I will need to query our Openreach Network Manager as he will be able to make more accurate assumptions with his data and network tools.

In terms of nearby villages; Cublington (cabinet 6) and Wingrave (cabinet 5) should be well served by the fibre broadband upgrades.

The latest information continues to be published on the Connected Counties website, which I would encourage you to monitor for progress....