Monday, 29 December 2014

Simon Guy's WW1 Research

In an online article published on the Leighton Buzzard Online website Simon Guy of Church Row tells of how he came to produce the booklet detailing the Aston Abbotts lads who lost their lives in the First World War. The booklet was distributed around the village in the autumn.

Click here to read the article.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Aston Abbotts Village Plan

The Aston Abbotts Village Plan can now be accessed from the Aston Abbotts website by clicking here or going to the Information section on the Links page. It requires Acrobat Reader.

The Plan was produced by a steering group made up of representatives living in the Village.
The group were as follows:

    Bob Carvey
    Kate Curry
    Dickie Dicken
    Peter Ellwood
    Marcus Hall
    Judy Hardcastle
    James Perkins
    Peter Shorrock

The Aston Abbotts Village Plan has been produced with guidance from Community Impact Bucks and the ACRE Community Led Planning Toolkit.

Aston Abbotts Fireworks 2014

Bernard Osborn 1927-2014

We were saddened to hear that Bernard Osborn passed away on September 18th 2014 at the age of 87.

Bernard Osborn was born and grew up Aston Abbotts. Although he 'emigrated' to Cublington when he married, he continued to run Osborn's shop in Aston Abbotts until it closed in 2005.

You can read an interview with Bernard that first appeared in the Aston Abbotts Chronicle in Autumn 2000 here. It gives an insight into how life used to be in Aston Abbotts when Osborn's shop was still open.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Affordable Housing

Do you have a strong connection to the parish of Aston Abbotts?  Do you require less expensive homes to be able to remain in the village? What do you think about providing homes for local people?

The Parish Council has asked the Rural Housing Enabler from Community Impact Bucks to conduct a Housing Needs Survey (HNS) in the village.  The Parish Council believes local people including families, grown up children and ageing residents may have difficulty finding a home they can afford in Aston Abbotts.

The survey will establish whether there is a need for a small development of affordable housing in the village and whether there is support for the Parish Council to pursue the project. Rural affordable housing schemes are built using the rural exception planning policy which provides homes, available for local people only who cannot afford to rent or buy on the open market.  The properties always remain affordable and are protected in perpetuity for local people.

We hope that you will take a few minutes to complete the housing needs form which will be delivered to every household in October 2014.

If you are in need of an affordable home in Aston Abbotts, or feel that you should support such a project please ensure that you complete section 2 of the survey.  Personal details are used for analysis purposes by CIB.  Name and address only will be passed to the partner housing association, local authority or Bucks Home Choice to enable them to contact you in the future and advise you where to register, if a scheme does go ahead.

Please return your form in the FREEPOST envelope by 24thth October 2014.

For further information on affordable housing in rural areas please see Community Impact Bucks’ website:

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Aston Abbotts Fete Photos 2014

Maurice G Cousins has posted his photos of the 2014 Aston Abbotts fete on the Aylesbury District News website.

Have you posted any fete pictures online? If you have then please send us the link.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Aylesbury Town Centre Plan now online

Most villagers will know that there are plans to further develop parts of Aylesbury town centre, including modifications to the very popular Exchange Street car park.

You can read the Aylesbury Town Centre Plan online here.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Aston Abbotts Fun Dog Show

There will be a fun dog show at the Aston Abbotts Fete on Saturday the 26th of July. The Fete opens at 1pm and the dog show starts in The Grove Field at 1.15pm.

Aston Abbotts Dog Show poster

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Village Hall Update April 2014

The Trustees have consulted with the Planning Dept and with Building Control to see what modifications can be made to the building.

You can read an extract from the Planners’ letter giving the comments made by the Historic Buildings Officer in an update Report from John Hardcastle (click the link - opens in a new window).

The next stage will be to commission consultants to carry out a measured survey and prepare a planning application. More information is in John Hardcastle's report just mentioned.

The Trustees will keep you informed of futher progress. The trustees are: John Hardcastle (Chairman), Peter Shorrock, Nigel Palmer (Treasurer), Caroline Lane, John Whyte, Liz Hall (Secretary)

Friday, 25 April 2014

630 Club Celebrate St George's Day

It used to be traditional for the 630 Club to celebrate St George with a dinner, but the tradition lapsed in recent years.

The refurbished and enlarged restaurant at The Royal Oak is now big enough to hold 30 people, so Tony Hinds, Andy Bystra and Bob Bean approached Teri Moult to arrange a dinner which was held on Saturday 19th April.

The evening was great success and our thanks toTeri for providing a lovely traditional beef dinner.

Click on the picture below to see all of the pictures of the event.

St George at The Royal Oak

Monday, 21 April 2014

Alpacas, Ponies and Piglets

The first Open Day at Abbotts View Farm drew many visitors to see the alpacas, piglets, and miniature ponies.

If you missed it there will be a second Open Day on Sunday 8th June between 11 am and 4 pm. 

For more information about Abbotts View Farm see their website at

Abbotts View Alpacas

Friday, 18 April 2014

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Open Days at Abbotts View Farm

Abbotts View Farm is located up Moat Lane, on the way to Norduck. They plan to hold two open days soon. James and Jo write:

We currently have two open days planned - the first on Good Friday 18th April and the second on Sunday 8th June as part of Open Farm Sunday. Both days will be from 11-4pm with free entry and will provide an opportunity for residents to come and have a look at what we've been up to.

We have 30 alpacas (with 5 babies due in May), an RSPCA rescue pony and 3 miniature ponies as well as ducks, rabbits and guinea pigs. We will have some more piglets arriving sometime in April so will have more free range pork products for sale later in the year. We will have some craft stalls selling their wares and homemade cake and refreshments for sale and Easter craft activities in the barn for the kiddies. We have beautiful yarn spun this year from our baby alpacas from which we have hand knitted some items but also have yarn for sale.

So, why not pop along and have a look!

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Annual Parish Meeting 2014

This is a public meeting to be held in the The Village Hall on Wednesday 14th May at 8 pm.

Come to talk about your village. You will hear reports on various village activities and you will have an opportunity to ask questions about anything that concerns you.

See the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 2013. That page also tells you more about the purpose of the meeting.

Everybody in Aston Abbotts is welcome.

Dealing with a Swarm of Bees

If you find a swarm of honey bees you can get free help from the MBBKA Swarm Hotline 07770 370132 or from Brian Bush – Mid Bucks Beekeepers and BBKA Swarm Officer on 01844 292195 or 07767304067.

You can download a copy of their brochure here.

Also see the BBKA British Bee Keepers Association website

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


There is a local snooker club in Wing:

Wing Hall Snooker Club. We are looking for new  members
Ladies and Gents can join.
Please contact David Turner 01296 682870 for further details

Friday, 7 March 2014

New Fete Coordinators

Good news! We finally have fete coordinators for the 2014 Aston Abbotts Fete. Thanks you to Tracy Hinds, Ness Bystra and Louise McManus who have come forward to run the fete as a team. Tracy and Ness have done the job before and I'm sure the three of them will make it a great success.

Don't forget to put the date in your diaries - Saturday 26th July. More news close to the time.

Monday, 27 January 2014

It's Just a Pile of Poo

Much fun is being had over the pile of horse manure that the allotmenteers put in the Orchard. This good-natured "row" has now even made the pages of the local newspaper - The Bucks Herald.

Click here to read the article on the Bucks Herald website.

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Village Hall Celebratory meeting

On Sunday 12th January 2014 around 40 villagers attended a meeting to celebrate the signing of the Village Hall lease and look at ideas for improvement.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Fete Coordinator Sought

A new Fete Coordinator is needed for 2014.
Many of the main attractions have already been booked, including the Morris Men and the Silver Band.

If you would like to know more, or if you feel that you can help in any way, please contact Deirdre on 681685.

Go on - it's not difficult and you will become a village hero!


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